W lutym br. odbyło się spotkanie dotyczące nt. białego wywiadu przedstawicieli Związku Miast Polskich z Panem Waldemarem Paluchem  - Burmistrzem Miasta Jarosławia. Badanie miało na celu określenie nowych perspektyw rozwoju miasta w planach Burmistrza, jego marzeń jakie miasto chce zobaczyć za 20 lat.

Youth survey

In February this year a meeting of the Deputy Mayor of the City of Jarosław, Dariusz Tracz and Head of Strategy and Fund Raising Bureau, Edyta Pytko with representatives of the District Office in Jarosław, including Ms. Marta Kurpiel, Head of Education and Social Affairs Department and with directors of upper secondary schools, took place.

The result of the meeting was youth survey in the graduate classes, with nearly 700 students taking part in it. Questions on various areas, including the local labor market and housing offers for young people, allowed to collect data for the purpose of the development of the city diagnosis for the Local Development program.

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